Individualized attention, whether it be for swim, math, or music lessons - can lead any student or client to success. The benefits of private lessons can help increase a student's confidence, it encourages responsibility, and it will allow them to obtain more knowledge at their own rate rather than going to a standardized class.
Take a look at these five tips below and learn how our booking platform can be tailored to your business.
1. Create a Motivating Class Environment
Build a motivating class environment by reserving rooms for different private lessons. A space that is catered to the subject or topic you are teaching about can encourage the student to produce a better score or improve their overall performance.
Create resources by traveling to 'Settings' and then clicking on 'Resources'. In this section, you can design new rooms by clicking on 'Add New Resource' filling out the information and clicking on 'Save'. You can then reserve these resources by setting up an appointment in the calendar and select the room in the appointment window.

Take the stress out of booking for your client's with children. Parents can easily book for their children of 1 or more for any type of private lesson or class. Having one more student in the private lesson can actually help promote a healthy competition between the two students. This way both students might perform better together than they would alone.
Arrange this feature by going to 'Preferences' located in 'Settings' and then click on 'Scheduling Rules'. You will then choose 'Clients Can Book Multiple Participants' modify your selection and hit 'Save'. Then, once clients book online, they'll be able to pick how many students will be attending the class or private session.

3. Manage Class History and Store Student Notes
Students or clients can easily monitor the private lessons they've registered for, attended, and rescheduled by visiting their own free Booksteam account. By giving your clients the ability to manage their own bookings, you're freeing up time for yourself and your employees.
Students can also schedule recurring private lessons when booking their lessons online. By enabling this feature for clients, you are basically prompting the client to continue their lessons, which will ultimately add to the success of your business.
Lastly, store student notes in their profile by going to the 'Clients' tab in the menu in your account. Easily access these notes before an appointment/class and update this section once the session is over.

4. Collect Tuition Fees Upfront or through Security Deposits
In no way do you have to wait for a student to pay after the lesson is completed. You can program your account so the client pays when they book online. Students can also pay a security deposit up-front and pay the remaining balance later. Conclusively; collecting fees in advance will help you and your staff members reduce time with administrative processes later on.
Setup your payment gateway and determine which permissions apply to your business by visiting the 'Client Payments' page in 'Settings'. Booksteam works with PayPal and Stripe, so all you have to do is connect your account and you're on your way to fast, easy, and reliable bookings.

Offering advanced, inter-mediate, or advanced private lessons? Assign staff members to different levels of private lessons that fit your business model.
You can also assign staff members to one or more classes offered; allowing your client to pick the teacher they want for their private lesson. Building a rapport with students is crucial as it can help impact the student's scores or achievements. Every student is different and can have a different learning style, so assigning teachers to multiple lessons can only benefit your business.
Interested in learning more about BookSteam private lessons scheduler? Sign-up for a FREE 14-day trial here